Homecoming week is always busy and this year will be no exception. The band will perform before, during and after the game this week. Pay close attention to the schedule for the week.
- 3:30pm to 4:30pm – Competition Band Rehearsal
- 3:30pm to 5:00pm – Competitoin Band Rehearsal
- 5:00pm – Collect money for Subway sandwiches (Saturday)
- 3:30 to 5:00pm – Competition Gaurd Rehearsal
- 3:30pm to 5:00pm – Marching Band Rehearsal
- 6:30pm to 7:30pm – Bonefire Pep Rally (Pep Band and volunteers)
- 9:30am – 10-12 grade released for Pep Rally
- 9:48am to 10:28am – SHS Pep Rally
- 6:00pm – Call Time
- 6:40pm – Pregame performance of the Marching Band Show
- 7:00pm – Game
- Post-game performance by the Competition Band
- 10:30 am Percussion Rehearsal Begins
- 10:30 am Guard Rehearsal
- 12:00pm to 12:45pm – Warmup/Show Run Through
- 12:45pm-2:45pm Guard will stay to do Hair and Makeup
- 2:45pm – Call Time
- 3:00pm – Depart for JSU
- 7:00pm – Warmup
- 8:00pm – Performance
- 9:30pm – Awards Ceremonies
- 1:00am – ETA SHS
Bonefire Pep-Rally
This Thursday night the band will participate with the Bonefire Pep Rally. Pep-Band students are required to attend and all other band students may attend if they wish.
The temperature will most likely be too cold to wear only band shirts so feel free to have jackets or pullovers as needed.
The Marching Band will perform their show “Mars Mashup” for Pre-game. Homecoming will consist of the homecoming drill set playing “My Girl” and the Competition Band will perform their program “Demon Barber” after the game.
JSU – Contest of Champions
ROTC will host a competition on the campus of Sparkman High School this Saturday. All students and parents will need to park their car in the front parking lot on Saturday for rehearsal and for call time. We will try to open the side doors so students will not have to walk completely around the building.
Everything this week will be just like it was last week in terms of uniforms, loading and a rehearsal earlier on Saturday. What will be different is the bus assignment for charter buses and we will eat along the way.
Subway meals will be ordered for students. The meals are $5/each and money will be collected after rehearsal on Tuesday. A subway meal will consist of ham or turkey, chips and a cookie. Please refer to the email sent out by Mrs. Wright on Monday for further details or questions.
Bus Assignments
- Euphonium, Tuba, Prop Crew
- Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone
- Trumpet, Mellophone, Trombone
- Percussion, Guard
Spectator Information
The Contest of Champions is hosted at the Jacksonville State University campus in the Burgess – Snow Stadium.
General Admission: $10 per person / Children 6 years old and under, free. Parking is $5.00.