This week the Sparkman Band will host the annual Band Day. This event invites all 8th grade students from Sparkman and Monrovia Middle Schools to participate in the pre-game performance at the Grissom game. This also marks our first home game of the season and we hope to see everyone arrive early for this event.
8th grade student Instructions
Middle school students will be delivered to the 9th grade school cafeteria. The MS students will practice basic marching skills and rehearse the music.
After school, the MS students will cross over to the stadium in a large group. The directors will help stop traffic on Ford Chapel Road so all students may cross over together. Once the MS students are in the stadium they will sit in the bleachers and enjoy a performance by the Sparkman High School Marching Senators.
After the performance all students will meet on the field and rehearse the pre-game performance. When the rehearsal is complete everyone will move to the SHS Cafeteria where they will enjoy pizza, supplied free of charge by the Sparkman Band Boosters.
Parking for the game is $5.00 and admission into the game is $7.00. Band students participating in the event are not required to pay admission to the game; however, parents and other guests will be required to pay to enter the event.
MS students should contact their MS directors for dismissal procedures throughout the evening.
High School Schedule
- Tuesday 3:45pm – 5:30pm: Competition Band Rehearsal
- Wednesday 3:45pm to 6:00pm: Competition Guard Rehearsal
- Thursday 3:45pm – 4:30pm: Marching Band Rehearsal
- Thursday 4:30pm – 5:30pm: Competition Band Rehearsal
Band Day Schedule (Friday)
- 2:00pm – 8th Grade arrive at S9. Competition Band rehearse as usual
- 3:45pm – Marching Band Performs for 8th Grade at the Stadium
- 4:00pm – Pre-game rehearsal
- 5:00pm – Supper
- 6:00pm – Call time
- 6:30pm – March into stadium
- 6:40pm – Band Day Performance
- 6:50pm – National Anthem
- 7:00pm – Game Starts
Stadium Seating Arrangements
Over the years, stadium seating at home games has been difficult at Sparkman. The reason for the difficulty is based on the lack of space in the stadium for everyone to sit.
The band will sit all the way to the north end of the stadium. Any parents that would like to sit with the band will have an area at the top of the stadium. Please see the graphics below for details.