Uniform Procedures:
- Unless otherwise instructed, students should arrive at the band room before call time wearing black bibbers, compression shorts/tights, long black socks, black marching shoes and band shirt. Do not leave any personal belongings in the band room floor at any time during the event.
- Students will be given a uniform number. Uniforms are organized by section, and uniform bags will be labeled with the student’s name and number. Shakos will also be labeled with the student’s name and uniform number and are on the racks above the uniforms.
- Students should locate their uniform bag and shako box in the uniform room and flow through to the other side. (one way traffic at all times)
- Students should use the bathrooms/dressing rooms to put on the uniform, zip the bag up and get out the shako from the box. NEVER HANG UNIFORM BAGS ON THE INSTRUMENT STORAGE LOCKER DOORS.
- Students should continue to back through the uniform room (one way traffic at all times) and place the uniform bag on the hanger in the appropriate area.
- Students should continue to flow through the uniform room (one way traffic at all times) to travel back to the band room.
Home Game: Remove shako from the box and place the empty box in the uniform room.
Away Game: Take shako box to the bus with you. - Once you are fully dressed then students should proceed to acquire their instrument/equipment.

Returning Uniforms
- Students should flow through the uniform room to pick up shako box and uniform bag.
- Student will use the bathroom/changing room to change out of the uniform and put their shako back in the box.
- Students should hang the uniform up outside of the garment bag if the uniform is damp in order to air out.
- Gauntlets should be stored in the zippered compartment on the back of the uniform bag. If used, shako wraps and jacket inserts should also be stored in the zippered compartment.
- Students should flow back through the uniform room (one way traffic at all times) and place items in numerical order in the appropriate section area.
- Bibbers, band shirts, socks, and gloves will be worn home and laundered as needed.
- Students should secure all other equipment and leave the band room.
Event Check Outs
- In the event a student will be checked out from an event they should carry their uniform garment bag with them to the event instead of placing it back in the uniform room.
- The student will change out of their uniform and place their garment bag on the equipment truck before they check out.
Uniform Contents
- Black marching shoes.
- Black socks that extend 5″ above the top of the shoe.
- Undergarments (Band shirt and black compression shorts/tights)
- Black gloves (only flutes and clarinets may wear fingerless gloves)
- Band jacket
- Gauntlets
- Shako
- Plume (to be distributed immediately prior to performances)
Uniform Tips
- Tighten shoulder straps, making sure movement in the groin area is not restricted. Test this by squatting. If squatting is uncomfortable or bibbers feel too tight in the groin after straps have been tightened, loosen the straps.
- With stirrups under the arch of the foot and marching shoes on, adjust the leg length so it touches the top of the back of the shoe and snaps into the appropriate socket.
- Snap stirrups into the socket just above where the pant legs connect.
- Bibbers should be labeled with the student’s name on the inside tag.
- Bibbers wrinkle easily. DO NOT ball them up or stuff them into backpacks/bags.
- Wash bibbers after games/competitions. Wash in cold water on gentle cycle. Do not use bleach. Hang to dry.
Plumes will be distributed prior to warm up/performances by the uniform chairs or designated chaperones. DO NOT handle the plumes by the feathers! Hold the plume by the wire loop on the end. Gently insert the wire loop into the slot on the top of the shako before performances, and gently pull plumes up by the metal base when returning them after performances.
Do’s and Don’ts
- Never stop the flow in the uniform room.
- Do not place shoes in the garment bags.
- Always wear the uniform completely in public.
- Hang the bibbers to the crease.
- Zip the uniform jacket on the hanger.
- Never throw the uniform on the ground.
Code of Conduct
- No eating or drinking in uniform (except water).
- No chewing gum while in uniform.
- No jewelry (except small stud earrings) may be worn while in uniform.
- The uniform must be complete at all times unless otherwise instructed. Change in and out of uniform ONLY in designated areas. (Home, Band Room, Bus)
- No profanity or obscene gestures in uniform.