Instrument Staging (Pre-Departure)
Percussion, winds and color guard equipment will be stored in a designated area at the end of their class period. All students are responsible for loading/unload their own equipment.
Event Arrival
Students will arrive at the school prior to call time and dress into their uniform for the event. At call time students should gather fully dressed in a designated area with their sections and each section leader will report any absences to the drum major and perform a uniform check. If students arrive late they should report to the drum major.
Bus Loading
Students will load the bus ONLY when given the command by a director. All personal belongings must be removed from the band room floor before students load the bus. Typically, students will be released to load the bus in a particular order. Any last minute announcements may be given at this time. The front 4 seats on all busses are designated for chaperones and staff members unless otherwise stated.
Bus Etiquette
Loud talking and other noises is prohibited on the bus in order to ensure bus drivers can have a safe trip. Students should not stand in the aisle and should sit in the seat as they were designed. (No sitting/standing on your knees in the seat) PDA is prohibited both on and off the bus. Do not exit the bus from the Emergency Exit.
Staging Abroad
As students are released from their bus they should travel IMMEDIATELY to the instrument staging area. Students will find their instrument case, assemble their instrument/equipment, and place the empty case in the designated area. At this time all students will travel DIRECTLY to the warm-up area. This is critical to prevent overcrowding in the staging area. DO NOT HANG OUT IN THE STAGING AREA.
After our performance the front ensemble will reload their equipment before the end of the game. Everyone else will follow the same procedures in reverse being sure to place their instrument cases in the designated area to be loaded and immediately load the bus.
Stadium Etiquette
Students should march into the stadium in full uniform (including gloves and shako) Students will remove/wear their shako only when the drum majors remove/wear their shakos. Shakos will be placed “up-side-up” on the bleacher to avoid dirt or damage to the shako. Students may remove their gloves at any time when their shakos are off.
Chaperones will hand out plumes by passing them down each row at the beginning of the 2nd quarter or they may be distributed upon exiting the stands for halftime. Students should be careful to handle the plumes properly as they pass them to the end of the each row and place them in the shako.
Student check-out Procedures
Only parents/legal guardians are allowed to checkout students from an away event. At least one day in advance of the event a Checkout Request Form must be filled out and turned in to the directors. Students should ONLY checkout for special circumstances or emergencies. The head chaperone will be available in the stands or at the front of Bus #1 after the game for parents to sign out their student. A special release document is signed by the parent and identification must be available. Again, parents/legal guardians MUST be present at the event to sign-out the student and students will not be allowed to leave with another parent with a pre-written note.
Students that atinicipate checking out at a marching event should take their shako box and garmet bag on the bus to the event. After the event students should change out of their uniform and deliver it to the appropriate chaperone at the equipment truck upon checking out. Parents should checkout students in a timely manner. When the band buses are loaded they will leave to travel back to Sparkman and will NOT wait for students to be checked out.
School Arrival/Event Dismissal
Upon arrival each student is responsible for gathering their own personal belongings and assigned instruments from the equipment truck and placing it in the designated area. Unless otherwise stated, students should leave the school property as soon their belongings are secure. Any student that does not have transportation off the school property should contact the director.
Travel Policy
All students must ride the bus to performing events such as football games, competitions and various other contests. If a student would like to checkout after an event they must fill out a Request Form and turn it in at least one day in advance. Once the event is over the parent or legal guardian may check the student out by signing a release form at the event. (Please see the head chaperone for checkouts) Students should ONLY checkout for special circumstances or emergencies.
You may not sign the release form in advance. Parents or legal guardians MUST be present at the event in order for the student to be allowed to leave. Once the student is checked out into the custody of the parent or legal guardian then Sparkman High School and the band directors will be released of all responsibility for that student.
Students checkout out from any marching band event must take their shako box and garmet bag wtih them to the event. Students should change out of their uniform and return it to the designated parent at the equipment truck during checkouts.
Any student that does not follow travel policies may not be allowed to travel with the band for future events.