This article contains an email that went out regarding percussion summer video assignments and the battery and front ensemble closed Facebook group pages.
Email Subject:
Sparkman Percussion Closed Facebook Groups/Video Assignments
I know the title of this message, particularly the 2nd half, may be a bit unnerving to see during the Summer break. However, I feel as if video check-ins are very necessary as we have relatively few rehearsals during the break. This method is being used by collegiate, drum corps, and WGI programs all the same.
Basically, video lessons will be prepared by myself and staff members breaking down a particular skill set or exercise. These videos will be posted to one of 2 closed Facebook groups: Sparkman Percussion Front Ensemble, and Sparkman HS Battery. Along with the video lesson, the assignment will be available in text format; most likely in the comments section of the post. Students will have one week to complete the assignment by posting a video of themselves performing the skill/exercise from the lesson. After that, myself, staff, and fellow SHS percussion students will provide constructive criticism and feedback in the comments section under the videos (remember, only those who are in the groups will have access to the videos).
Here’s what every percussion student needs to do:
If you are a FRONT ENSEMBLE member: Go to and request to join. Once you are approved, check the page frequently for assignments.
If you are a BATTERY member (snare, tenor, bass drum, cymbals): Go to and request to join. Once you are approved, check the page frequently for assignments.
Please make sure your Facebook name is your real name. If I do not recognize the name, I will not approve the request.
If there is any reason that you feel you cannot complete these assignments, let me know immediately.
You can expect the first assignment to be posted in the respective pages this week.
That’s it for now. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions.
Jack Albert
@SparkmanPerc (twitter)