The Sparkman Band will perform for the first official Game of the season against Hazel Green High School. All students should be familiar with all uniform procedures and schedules for the week. Students should wear their band shirts on Friday of each game day.
3:30pm – 4:45pm: Percussion Rehearsal
3:45pm – 5:30pm: Competition Band Rehearsal
3:45pm – 6:00pm: Color Guard Rehearsal
3:45pm -5:00pm: Marching Band Rehearsal (Extended Rehearsal)
5:00pm – 6:00pm: Competition Band Rehearsal (Extended Rehearsal)

3:45: Color Guard Call Time
4:30pm: Concession stand open for band students (Discount Prices)
5:45pm: Call Time at the Football Practice Field
6:30pm: March in to Stadium
7:00pm: Game Starts
9:30pm: Estimated Time End of Game
- Students are not allowed to “Hang Out” in the band room after school on game days. The band room is not large enough for all band students to be in the room at once and students standing around creates major traffic issues. Equipment will constantly move in and out of the band room throughout the afternoon.
- If a student is in the band room they should be in constant motion at all times, getting their uniform, instrument, equipment, and then leaving the band room.
- Students should arrive early giving them time to get dressed, get equipment and arriving in the appropriate area by call time.
- Students should NEVER put their belongings in front of a door or in a walkway. Students that have vehicles on campus should use it for personal storage if possible.
- Guard members have a designated area of their own and should stay out of the band room unless there is a specific reason to enter.
We are asking the students to bring their own water jug to the game much like we do for after school rehearsals. We will allow them to march into the stadium with the water jug.
Band students and parents working in the concession stand will park in the top parking lot at S9. Parents that work in the concession stand should receive a parking pass from the boosters prior to Friday night.
Student drop-off will be at SHS from Ford Chapel Road. All other parents that would like to attend the game will be required to pay for parking.

Over the years, stadium seating at home games has been difficult at Sparkman. The reason for the difficulty is based on the lack of space in the stadium for everyone to sit.
The band will sit all the way to the north end of the stadium. Any parents that would like to sit with the band will have an area at the top of the stadium. (Please see the graphics below for details).

New for 2019: Due to the new stadium layout, the band will march in BEHIND the stadium to enter in the north end. Parents and directors are not allowed to sit on the track with the staging percussion equipment during the game.