The Memory Book is an 8 year tradition that the band boosters have put together and offered for free to the students every year at the Band Banquet. It is a treasure to them and they absolutely enjoy getting it and reliving the year of fun and friendships they have made.
The book is also a fundraiser and helps support the band.
You can purchase a student ad to congratulate your student on a wonderful year. Memory Book ads are for EVERYONE. 9th-12th, band, percussion and color guard are ALL eligible to take out an ad. Forms for student ads are HERE.
We also sell ads to our local businesses. Most are very happy to help. You just have to ask, and remind them their ad is tax deductible! Consider asking your place of employment or even your church. If you own your own business, we would love to have you place an ad and share that with your fellow band parents. This book is professionally designed and printed and is full of photo memories, student tributes, and ads from our local community. It will be distributed to approximately 600 students, family members, school faculty members, and all the other businesses that support our band. For the business ad form, click HERE.
The hard deadline for turning in forms and pictures for a student or business ad is May 10th.
Correction – Due date is now May 8th.