F3 Day is one of the most important part of the band’s preparation for the next school year. The three “F’s” refer to Forms, Fees, and Fittings. Completing this process insures the participation of the student by both parents band staff.
Below are some instructions and tips for making this process as smooth as possible.
Arriving and Parking
Parents should park in the back parking lot of the school entering the double doors in the Special Needs area. CLICK HERE for a google map pin of the parking lot.
Entering the School
Student and parents should enter the double doors in the back of the school seen in the map below. A welcome table with a host will be inside the door to help parents pick up the needed paperwork.
Forms included here will be
- Out of County Forms
- Extracurricular Permission Form
- Instrument Rental Agreement (only if renting an instrument)
- Medication Authorization Forms (only needed for medicines requiring a doctor’s signature)
- Uniform Agreement
The CHECKLIST is required for EVERY student and is given to the treasurers for fee payment. Students are required to have the date of their last tetanus booster shot that was required before entering Middle School in Alabama. Please get this information before F3day.
A CHARMS table will be used to enter student information. Students from Monrovia will update the information in CHARMS while students from Sparkman MS will create accounts. The CHECKLIST has to be initialed that you have updated your records before you can pay your fees.
Other Stations
Colorguard and Percussion Tables are available for help. A Liason is available to help with fee questions.
A Volunteer Table is available so parents may sign up for Pit Crew, Chaperones, and Concessions.
Treasurer Table
Parents will turn in CHECKLISTs and pay fees at this table.
NOTE: An option of paying fees by credit card at MySchoolFees.com is available but will contain a processing fee added for the service. Please visit the MySchoolFees website for access.
Fees for this year CAN include:
- New Member Fee – $500 (includes Marching Band Fee, Bibbers, Shoes, Gloves)
- Marching Band- $400
- Competition Band- $500
- Bibbers (if need new ones)- $60
- Shoes (if need to order)- $35
- Gloves per pair (if need to order)- $5
- Instrument Rental fee (if needed)- $75**
- Colorguard and Percussion have different fees**
- Students can pay for shoes and gloves at F3 day and be fitted and ordered during Band Camp. This will allow for Summer growth spurts or mislocations.
Paperwork Table
Students turn in all the forms here. They will be checked over for completeness.
Uniform Fitting
After the paperwork is complete, students will proceed to the band room while parents/guardians are asked to sit in the hallway and wait. Students be directed through the fitting process by our volunteers in the uniform area.
When the student is finished with uniform fitting they are free to go. Students and parents will exit through the breezeway by the Band Room doors.