Chair auditions for wind players will take place starting next week. The prepared selection will be video recorded and submitted in the student’s Google Classroom Assignment. The scales and sight reading portion will be done in person. Students will receive audition materials via Google Classroom.
Each student should sign up for a specific time and be prepared for their audition at least 30 minutes prior to their designated time. A signup genius will be used for students to sign up for an audition time slot. A link to the signups will be posted on Google Classroom.
Monday 11/1 – Clarinet
Tuesday 11/2 – Flute/Saxophone/Oboe
Wednesday 11/3 – Trombone/Euphonium/Bassoon
Thursday 11/4 – Trumpet/Horn/Tuba
Requirements (Winds)
The audition will count as one test grade (100 if you participate). Participation is required and students must demonstrate effort in order to receive a passing grade. Promptness may affect the results of the audition. The audition will include three parts averaged together to determine the overall score:
Scales = 30%, Prepared Piece = 40%, Sight Reading = 30%
Students will have 3 minutes to complete all major scales and chromatic scale. All scales will be played one octave using the following written pitch order:
C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, B, E, A, D, G, Chromatic Scale
Students will only receive credit if all notes within the scale is performed correctly. Each scale will be worth 1 point and each arpeggio will be worth 1 point. In addition to the 12 Major scales, students will play a one octave chromatic scale starting on a note of choice. The chromatic scale will be worth 6 pts.
Prepared Piece
All instrument prepared exercises can be found in the Google Classroom. The selection will be adjudicated using the following criteria:
- Tone/Intonation
- Interpretation of the music.
- Technique (correct notes and rhythms)
Sight Reading
Sight reading will be adjudicated using the same criteria as the prepared piece. Each student will be given one minute to study a short excerpt of music before they will be asked to play. During that minute students may sing, clap, or count out loud as long as they do not produce a note on their instrument. After the one minute study time is complete the student will play the excerpt from beginning to end without stopping.
The following rubric will be used for the chair audition.