It’s time once again for the Sparkman High School Band’s annual fruit sale from Florida Indian River Groves! Fruit sales will run from Monday, September 11th until Sunday, October 8th. Delivery of fruit will be on November 14th, just in time to enjoy during your Thanksgiving Day holiday. Your band student will come home with a packet containing a fruit sale brochure and order form.
Why should I sell fruit?
Our fruit sale is the one fundraiser where we allow you to use your profit towards paying off your upcoming fees. A student’s fruit sale profit can be used to defray the costs of any 2017-2018 Indoor Percussion and Winter Guard fees and can also be used towards paying 2018 Booster Fees. You could potentially pay off all your fees just by selling fruit!
Band members will begin taking orders on September 11th. Payment must be collected at the time the order is placed. Please make sure all checks have a phone number and are written to SHS Band. All cash/check orders must be turned in on Monday, October 9th. Orders not received by this date will not be processed.
Online ordering with a credit/debit card will be available September 11, through the end of Fall Break, October 8th. Those that order online will have the option of having their fruit delivered on the truck to Sparkman and brought to them by a band student, or paying extra to have it shipped to their home. This is a great option for family and friends who live out of town. Anyone that orders online can select a student to get credit for the sale during the checkout process. We will additionally provide you with a sample online ordering card you can hand out to potential customers. Be sure to share the online ordering link with your family and friends! It’s easy to share on social media too!
Click here for Advertising Postcards.
Click here for Fruit Order Form.
Money and Order Form Turn-In Dates:
All cash/check orders must be turned in on Monday, October 9th. Orders not received by this date will not be processed. Checks should be made out to SHS Band. Every check MUST have a phone number on it or the order will be returned to the student/parent. Online ordering will be available until October 8th.
Fruit Delivery:
Fruit will be delivered to the Sparkman 9th Grade School on Tuesday, November 14, 2017. Fruit must be picked up by students the same day!
We will need assistance from band parents during the delivery of the fruit and distribution on November 14th. A SignUpGenius page will be setup and link sent out closer to the delivery date. Please contact Lara Daugherty, Fruit Sale Chairman, with any question you may have: [email protected]